New feature: Graphite’s elite talent on display

New feature: Graphite’s elite talent on display

Protecting the confidentiality of both sides of our marketplace has always been a core mission of ours at Graphite. Finance and consulting tend to go hand-in-hand with sensitive information, so we built a platform where clients and professionals can discreetly engage without disclosing identities until necessary.However, we’ve heard increasing feedback over the past few months to de-anonymize our talent. And why not? Graphite professionals come from the best schools & employers, and we’re selling them short by not putting this on display.Perhaps the most interesting part about the call to show off Graphite talent is that it's not only coming from our clients - in a recent Graphite survey, 90% of responding professionals indicated they would choose to make their education and work history public on Graphite. The reason seems obvious - a public profile means more visibility to clients, which in turn should mean increased project wins.We’ve heard the feedback loud and clear, and are excited to say we've just released a new 'Browse Professionals' feature for previewing Graphite's talent pool. User privacy is and will always remain paramount at Graphite, so our Professionals must explicitly opt-in to become visible, and are free to opt out at any time.We believe this will go a long way towards helping clients get comfortable with Graphite, post their project needs, and engage professionals. See below for some information on how the feature works - we look forward to you trying it out!Jason

We only reveal a few of the relevant details of our professionals' profiles (and absolutely do NOT publicly share contact information like phone numbers and emails):

  • First name
  • Profile photo
  • General location (state/region - city is NOT shown)
  • Education & Work history
  • Graphite feedback rating

Clients can filter by experience type (e.g. investment banking, management consulting) and experience length to quickly match their need to a skillset.

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