Let's get started - what kind of work do you need assistance with?

Great! Let's narrow this down - what specific help are you looking for?

Describe your need so we can find you the perfect Expert - any details you can provide are helpful!

Analyzing your project description...

Add questions you'd like Experts to answer when they apply:

Graphite Smart Suggestions
We analyzed your description - here are a few questions we recommend asking candidates. Click any to add them to your project, or write your own below:
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No need to ask for the candidate's available start date - they will automatically be asked when applying!
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Graphite Smart Suggestions
We analyzed your description and have suggested some sectors your project may require - please review below and add more to round out your project!
Select the most relevant sector(s) or desired sector expertise  
Graphite Smart Suggestions
We analyzed your description and have suggested some skills your project may require - please review below and add more to round out your project!
Note: Smart Suggestion skills are marked with a Smart Suggestion icon

What Functional Skills are needed for this project?

What Software Skills are needed for this project?

Any Professional Certifications required?

Language skills besides English required?

When would you like the work to kick off?

Where will the work be done?

Please select the required work location:

What percent of the time is the expert required to travel to the work location?

Are you willing to reimburse travel expenses for the right candidate?

No Yes

US-based Experts only?

No Yes

Set your project's payment structure and rate to attract the right talent

Pay Rate

Recommended rates for services

For urgent work with tight deadlines, we recommend increasing hourly rates 20-30%.

How long do you expect your role to last?

What will the approximate weekly workload be (in hours/week)?

Project budget is below the Graphite minimum of $3,000.
(This is not binding - it's simply an estimate to give us an idea of the budget)

Communication Expectations

How quickly does the expert need to respond to a message/email?
What is your preferred communication method with the expert?
Select all that apply
Signup to create your Graphite account and post this project.
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Last Name
Phone Number
Company Name
Company Type

Password Requirements:

10+ characters
1 uppercase (A-Z)
1 lowercase (a-z)
1 special character
1 number (0-9)
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Finally, give your project a title to attract the most relevant Experts:

Graphite Smart Suggestions
We suggested a project title for you - feel free to use & tweak (or write your own):
Project Title
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