
Years of Experience


Member Since

Bulge Bracket Investment Banks
Fortune 500


Barclays Bank Finance
VP Enterprise Risk
11/2016 - Present
Identify all financial and operational risks for the bank.
Develop processes (and methodology) to incorporate idiosyncratic risks into the bank's CCAR submission.

Deutsche Bank Finance
BA - CCAR and Regulatory Reporting
04/2014 - 09/2016
Development of global regulatory reporting data warehouse - building out US regulatory reporting. CCAR and DFAST compliance, Basel III, IHC development and other regulatory reports

Morgan Stanley Finance
Head of Risk Management - Retail Bank
04/2010 - 10/2011
Development of the risk reporting function for the retail bank and integration with other Morgan Stanley risk systems
Analysis of models, woked closely with the regulator (OCC).
Developed governance for retail bank for new products and for capital planning

HSBC Finance
Head of Market Risk Reporting
04/2006 - 04/2010
Ran the market risk reporting team (for trading floor exposures).
Managed the development of new reports and the integration of new models both for risk reporting and for the determination of regulatory capital