Access to top tier talent gives today’s startups a boost

Access to top tier talent gives today’s startups a boost

Entrepreneurs have it good these days, and their numbers show it. According to the Kauffman Index, in 2013 there were 476,000 new business owners being added each month. While that represents a slight decline in new business creations compared to the previous recession years, the startup scene in the US continues to thrive. A thriving business startup scene also signals a thriving demand for capital raising services.This has created some intense competition when it comes to securing private equity talent. Many financial services professionals have been leaving the industry to work at startups or in some cases, start their own companies. Remote work technologies have encouraged highly trained investment bankers and advisers to go out on their own. These same technologies have also freed organizations from the constraints of geography, so Wall Street talent is now more accessible than ever to “Main Streeters” launching their own businesses. Access to this kind of specialized talent is at an all-time high, even for smaller and mid-market firms.This happy coalescence of circumstances means that you can hire a specialist with exactly the right training for your needs of the moment, without having to commit to a full-time hire. And it doesn’t matter where you’re located, or where they are.Since the stakes on both sides are generally lower for projects than full-time hires, freelance projects offer the added bonus of enabling you to tap into higher caliber talent than you otherwise could have. An ex-Goldman banker, for example, can be available to you between other long-term projects she’s pursuing. Freelance projects offer a viable way for you to access this top-tier talent.Through services like ours at Graphite, organizations can hire employees remotely and on a part-time basis to meet temporary work demands. Executives can evaluate their performance with a real project, and gain valuable insight into the employee’s work style and personality. If the professional turns in a stellar performance, they can be engaged for further work or offered full time employment. Or, a different type of specialist may be needed for the next project – and that talent pool is still there waiting to be tapped.Starting up a new business is always a risky enough undertaking, but with access to the right kind of talent, due diligence can be done with greater thoroughness and accuracy. With unprecedented access to high-skilled professionals and the cost-effectiveness of using temporary help, startups who take advantage of it have a far better chance at success than their predecessors did.

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